Art, Mind and Soul is a celebration of the link between creativity and wellbeing and we’re

inviting you to join us! Take part in our Mindful Meander as you walk around Woodstock

enjoying art in windows throughout the town as well as in St Mary Magdalene Church.

You’ll find a series of prompts throughout your journey that are aimed at encouraging slow looking, creating space for you to pause for a moment and connect with our work through the senses.

You might like to choose a few to consider on your own or if you’re in a group you might like to share your thoughts, there’s no wrong way to do this.

As a collective we recognise the positive impact our creative practices have on our wellbeing and hope that we can share some of this with you.

As you meander can you discover:

5 things that you can see that inspire or interest you?

4 things that you can imagine the texture of against your skin?

3 things that if you could turn up the volume on a work of art you would hear?

2 things that conjure up a smell in your mind?

1 thing that excited your taste buds?

Here are a few examples to whet your appetite

Mary Blackshaw

Mary Blackshaw has created a miniature Woodstock for you to build yourself.

Take a moment and you’ll find some of our local residents.

Imagine you could stop and chat to them- what do you think they’d say?

Look closely, what small details can you see?

Close your eyes and imagine the sounds of Woodstock you might hear?

Jane Greer

Jane has created these portraits out of her sitters’ favourite ice-cream from Alfonso Gelato.

As she paints, Jane can smell the ice cream.

What flavour of ice cream would you ask Jane to paint you in?

How does the ice cream feel on your tongue?

Can you imagine how the ice cream feels if you were to move it across the canvas with a brush?

Jennifer Taylor

Jennifer depicts local scenes of Old Woodstock in some of her work.

Can you find the tall Hollyhocks that are swaying in the field. Imagine you’re taking a walk along this path.

Can you hear the insects and small creatures who live here and the sound of rustling leaves?

Can you smell the Hollyhocks and they dance in the breeze in front of you?

Imagine you take your shoes off – how does the ground feel under your feet?