Eleanor Matthews works with textiles to create art using a sewing machine in “freestyle” mode and hand embellishing using various embroidery techniques including classic stitches, beadwork and goldwork. She frequently works with found fabrics from charity shops, flea markets and the back of the wardrobe.
Much of her work is themed around the idea of memento mori – which literally translates to “Remember you must die”. Sounds gloomy, but actually leads to a philosophy of embracing the present and living your most authentic life (because you only have one chance and you don’t know how long it is going to last).
She had a bit of an epiphany in her late thirties when she realised that she was living someone else’s life and not being true to herself. She turned everything upside down and set herself free to live life to her own values and not bound by anyone else’s narrative. Her mission was to become the best version of herself - mother, sister, daughter, friend, colleague, boss, confidante etc that she could be. And ultimately wife again but that’s another story…
She lives in Woodstock and adores everything about the town and its quirky community.